Day 23 – Taghazout
After yesterdays walking Tina was suffering first thing this morning. She struggled to get out of bed. She did however and took the dogs for there morning constitional along the beach.
I thought that we would postpone the washing until Sunday but Tina decided to have a go after breakfast. I dragged out the washing machine from the depths of the garage and we filled it with hot water she sat and I helped with the whole process.
During the hour plus the machine consumed large amounts of bedding and clothes before being hung out to dry. Whilst the spinner and washer were operating at the same time I was amazed that we were drawing around 40amps from the battery bank. By the end of the day we had got back to only 40 amps down on full. Should get back to full tomorrow.
Some of the others had gone off to the village but Terry, Brenda and ourselves remained behind. The carpet man came with our carpets in readiness for Kathie wedding in May and we had water from the Bowser.
Mid afternoon saw some of the other brits join us for beer o’clock and the party lasted until after the evening sun faded and it started to get cold. It broke up around 7pm. In the evening we sat and watched a film. Tina had taken more medication for the pain she was in after the efforts of the last 2 days.
An enjoyable day with temperatures in the early 20’s and some good company to finish the day off well.