Day 25 – Agadir Garage

This morning was the day we were to go and have some work done on the van. Up early, breakfasted and left the beach site at 9am promising that we will return in a few days. We left the carpeting ramps behind.
Arriving at Mustafa\’s garage at 9:30 we were soon ushered into the alley between the buildings behind the double gates where we will be for the next few days. Work soon started. We had the rear crack fixed by melting some welding wire into both sides of the crack… next to sand this down and respray. Whilst I stood there I noticed that there was a problem with the high level brake light…. the paint was lifting. A promise to spray this as well was soon made by Mustafa.
Next the slide catch on the fridge was welded and fixed which also included some wire. I would not expect this to break anytime soon like the others before. The Tow bar has been removed and work started on rubbing it down in preparation for spraying tomorrow. The front tow eye cover was also fixed by welding something to it. Never saw the solution as it was done so quickly.
Late in the day the carpenter returned and fitted our shelves to the wardrobes. What a difference that made to how we organise our clothes. Tina was well happy. The carpenter is returning tomorrow and will be fixing the single seat next to the door.
When Mustafa was looking at my bonnet catch I noticed that the water level was down and I thought I would check the oil level. Anyway I decided that a oil change together with air and oil filters were in order. When the air filter was removed there was a cover around it so it wasn’t doing much good. This cost me about a £100 more but is still significantly cheaper that the UK. I mentioned the Rapido symbol on the bonnet had lost most of the red so once again Mustafa said ’No Problem\’
This evening we watch the film Mr Turner, Strange but well acted… not sure about the story line though. Tomorrow will bring more work on the van and another night in the alley. We should escape on Wednesday all being well.
The featured image is one taken by one of the FUNsters which is a little more interested than the alley in the Garage.