Day 69 – Riom

Good nights sleep and we are up and refreshed ready for the day ahead. We leave as planned around 9am.
First we travel to Leucate so that we can get some basic essentials in the supermarket. Our next task was to travel to the other end of the village and park up. Our appointment was 10:30am but we are a little early but we were greeted without any fuss. Straight into the examining room. It was Woody who was going to have to take the worming tablet first. The Vet has to do this herself but Woddy had other ideas. Eventually after trying many times we give up on our tablets we supplied and used those supplied be her…. success without fuss. Result. Next time we are to tell her that they can have an injection instead of a tablet … much better idea. After the pet passports are signed and we pay over the fee we walk out and get under way. We paid less this year than last year…. €7.20…. Cant believe it as we paid over €60 in Germany in the summer last year.
We travelled the 400km on the toll roads crossing the Millau bridge. What an impressive piece if engineering. After our stop for lunch we completed the four hour journey around 3:30pm. We are the only van here.
Changed our booking for the crossing to Saturday morning so we could be home by lunchtime. This evening we tried putting the satellite dish up and we have been watching UK television. After not seeing anything for such a long time you come to realise what rubbish is offered up to the general public.
Tomorrow will again be a long day as we are going to try and get more than half way back to Calais so that we can have some time on Friday afternoon to do some final shopping before boarding the train on Saturday. We hope to get back to a place we used last year and also stopped for lunch this year on the way to Spain. Lets hope they have space when we get there….