Day 76 Bordeaux

Our journey through Bordeaux took an unexpected turn when we decided to spend the night right next to a charming church. The experience was nothing short of enchanting as we were treated to a unique spectacle of youthful enthusiasm and architectural marvels.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue over the cobblestone streets of Bordeaux, we parked our trusty campervan right next to the centuries-old church. It was a serene setting, with the gentle rustle of leaves in the evening breeze and the distant echoes of a church bell ringing. We couldn’t have asked for a more picturesque backdrop for our overnight stay.

Our evening’s magic began when we noticed a series of buses parking nearby. Curious, we ventured closer to discover the source of the excitement. To our amazement, hordes of school children disembarked from the buses, their faces alive with curiosity and wonder. It turned out that this charming church was a destination for local school field trips, and we were about to witness their visit firsthand.

The illuminated façade of the church, with its intricate stained glass windows and ornate stone carvings, provided a stunning backdrop for the children’s excitement. We watched as they entered the church with wide eyes and hearts full of awe. The serene aura of the sacred space seemed to capture their imaginations, leaving them in quiet contemplation and reverence.

As the children explored the church’s interior, their laughter and whispers filled the air. It was a heartwarming sight, witnessing the next generation connecting with the rich history and culture of this beautiful city. It reminded us of the importance of preserving such heritage for future generations.

The night was spent in the company of youthful exuberance and timeless architecture. We fell asleep to the soothing chants of the children’s choir rehearsing within the church, creating a symphony that echoed through the night.

Waking up by the church was just as magical as our evening. The morning sun bathed the church in a soft, golden light, giving it an ethereal glow. We departed from our overnight spot with hearts full of gratitude for the unexpected joy we had experienced. Bordeaux had welcomed us with open arms and had gifted us a night we would cherish forever.

If you’re ever in Bordeaux, I highly recommend parking by a church and experiencing the serenity and wonder that unfolds. You never know when you might stumble upon a heartwarming scene like this, where the past and present converge in a beautiful dance of discovery.