Day 28 – Villajoyosa

Nothing planned for today or so I thought when we woke up….
I went around the back of the van to empty the toilet and thought how dirty the van was so it was about time I gave it a wash. I had brought from home the brushes, washing mitt and Fenwicks caravan cleaner.
After breakfast I gathered the items together and set to on the back of the van which was by far the dirtiest. Using the caravan step as a small ladder I was just able to reach the top of the van. I have to admit that Fenwicks does the business. In the past I always used to much and it was very concentrated….not that this is a problem as in that form it gets off stubborn marks.
Next came the near side (door side). Tina was able to help with using the large brush whilst I used the mitt and then a microfibre cloth to dry it off. Needed to do small sections at a time as it was drying quickly now and if not careful would end up with streaks. We both thought that we would leave the other side and front until tomorrow.
In the afternoon we watched 3 more episodes of our series. This has left us about 25% left of our data allowance on my phone which gives us the best streaming opportunity. Fortunately we only need to wait 4 days now before we get a refresh and 20GB of data for the remaining part of the holiday.
Tina took her self off to bed whilst I watched a little telly…mainly the final episode of the current series of ‘Silent Witness’ which I really enjoy.