Day 8 – Estepona again
Well after arriving yesterday we needed to catch up on some washing and a few jobs.
Tina paid for two loads of washing in the site’s machines and then I was asked to pull our washing machine out of the garage to spin dry the cloths before we placed them on the line I had just erected between the trees. Fortunately most of the items are now dry and put away ready for the next couple of weeks.
We said good bye to Phil & Mena who had stayed the one night and were off down to Algeciras to buy there ticket ready for a Monday crossing. Unfortunately they failed to realise that today was Sunday and the supermarkets are closed so its going to be an early start in the morning to get their provisions before the ferry at 10:00am
We also said good bye to Wayne who is going down to Gibralter for a few days before meeting up again on Wednesday. During the morning we were just discussing between us whether Ray & Mary would be coming as we had not heard from them for quite a while. At that moment they appeared and then duly parked up with us ready to meet everyone else. We now have 4 vans on site with more to come on Monday / Tuesday.
During the afternoon we all sat out in the warm sunshine and drank tea and ate cake, We even had a german lady introduce us to a really tasty alcoholic drink she had bought in a supermarket in Spain. Note to self: I really must try and find that when next in Mercadoona.
Lets hope the warm weather continues for tomorrow.